Monday, May 16, 2011

The Care

The Care - Diamonds and Emeralds
1. Care - An Evening in the Ray (2:51)
2. Care - Besides 1 and 2 (3:52)
3. Care - Caretaking (3:48)
4. Care - Chandeliers (3:39)
5. Care - Cymophane (4:34)
6. Care - Diamonds and Emeralds (3:21)
7. Care - Flaming Sword (3:14)
8. Care - Flaming Sword (4:07)
9. Care - Love Crowns and Crucifies (2:44)
10. Care - Misericorde (4:07)
11. Care - My Boyish Days (6:44)
12. Care - Nature Prayed Upon (4:17)
13. Care - Sad Day for England (4:31)
14. Care - Soldiers and Sailors (2:49)
15. Care - Such Is Life (3:33)
16. Care - Temper Temper (3:28)
17. Care - What Kind of World (3:40)
18. Care - Whatever Possessed You (3:10)
19. Care - White Cloud (3:35)

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